3 個食人族跟 3個傳教士來到河邊。他們要渡河但岸邊得一隻只能載 2人的木筏。危險之處在於,若任何一邊岸上的食人族多於傳教士時,食人族便會將少數的傳教士吃掉。
問:怎樣才可將 6人安全送抵彼岸?
木筏要依以下方法往返五次半,就可將 6人安全送抵彼岸。b 代表木筏C 代表食人族M 代表傳教士3C3M b- 0C0M 2C2M -b 1C1M 2C3M b- 1C0M 0C3M -b 3C0M 1C3M b- 2C0M 1C1M -b 2C2M 2C2M b- 1C1M 2C0M -b 1C3M 3C0M b- 0C3M 1C0M -b 2C3M 2C0M b- 1C3M 0C0M -b 3C3M
note that the solution can be symmetrical if the second last step is changed to '1C1M b- 2C2M'.~siukin
good catch. most people like symmetry.
symmetry is beautiful but boring;assymmetry is awkward but interesting-the dear world is shaped by these two forces...
may be, god is a left-hander.
木筏要依以下方法往返五次半,就可將 6人安全送抵彼岸。
回覆刪除b 代表木筏
C 代表食人族
M 代表傳教士
3C3M b- 0C0M
2C2M -b 1C1M
2C3M b- 1C0M
0C3M -b 3C0M
1C3M b- 2C0M
1C1M -b 2C2M
2C2M b- 1C1M
2C0M -b 1C3M
3C0M b- 0C3M
1C0M -b 2C3M
2C0M b- 1C3M
0C0M -b 3C3M
note that the solution can be symmetrical if the second last step is changed to '1C1M b- 2C2M'.
good catch. most people like symmetry.
回覆刪除symmetry is beautiful but boring;
回覆刪除assymmetry is awkward but interesting-
the dear world is shaped by these two forces...
may be, god is a left-hander.